How to reset the user defined custom settings in the CCS console.
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How to reset the user defined custom settings in the CCS console.


Article ID: 161653


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


How to reset the user defined custom settings in the CCS(Control Compliance Suite) console.


CCS 12.6.x


At times for troubleshooting purposes one might need to reset the user-defined custom settings in the CCS console.  For this following steps need to be performed-

  1. Close the CCS console.
  2. Remove the "Preferences" folder at the location: C:\Users\<CCS Console User>\AppData\Local\Symantec\CCS and move it to another folder as a backup.
  3. Re-launch the CCS console.
  4. The CCS console will create a new 'Preferences' folder and will now have the default settings.