What is the execution Frequency of AM Agent ?
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What is the execution Frequency of AM Agent ?


Article ID: 260300


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation


AM Agent inventory execution could take a lot of cpu and could be executed multiple times per day.
What is the frequency of its execution on how to configure it ?


Client Automation - All Versions.


By default AM Agent is executed at these times :
- Between 1.00am and 2.30am (via "Run the UAM agent" Scheduler Task) if machine is switched on at this time.
- Between 0 minute and 90 minutes after startup of caf (via "Registration refresh scheduled job" scheduler Task as post execution of "caf register")
Type of Job = Now
Random now Time = 5400
- Between 12pm and 1.30pm (via "Registration refresh scheduled job" scheduler Task as post execution of "caf register")
The frequency of AM Agent execution could be changed by updating the configuration policy settings applied on the computers under DSM/Common Components/CAF/Scheduler
Remark : If the list of IP Address on the machine changes (for example VPN connection, Wifi connection etc...), "caf register" is executed and AM Agent is also executed.
When AM Agent is executed, it executes the assigned Collect Task.
By Default All computers have "Inventory Configuration" (Hardware Inventory) and "Software Inventory Configuration" (Software Inventory) collect tasks assigned.
These collect Tasks are scheduled to be executed once a day :
Example 1 :
08:00 : A machine is switched on. caf is started
08:45 : AM Agent is executed. "Inventory Configuration" and "Software Inventory Configuration" tasks are executed.
12:55 : AM Agent is executed. "Inventory Configuration" and "Software Inventory Configuration" tasks are not executed as they have been already executed in the morning (once a day).
Machine is not switched off
02:05 : AM Agent is executed. "Inventory Configuration" and "Software Inventory Configuration" tasks are executed.
Example 2 :
08:30 : A machine is switched on. caf is started
09:11 : AM Agent is executed. "Inventory Configuration" and "Software Inventory Configuration" tasks are executed.
12:22 : AM Agent is executed. "Inventory Configuration" and "Software Inventory Configuration" tasks are not executed as they have been already executed in the morning (once a day).
13:55 : Machine is connected using VPN. IP Address List is changed. AM Agent is executed but not the 2 collect Tasks.
15:00 : Computer is rebooted. caf is started.
15:35 : AM Agent is executed but not the 2 collect Tasks
"Software Inventory Configuration" is the collect task for software inventory signature scan. It could take time and lot of CPU if the machine has a lot of files and directories to scan.
If a daily refresh of Software Inventory is not needed, the scheduling of this collect task could be changed from "Run only once a day" to "Run only once a Week".

Additional Information

See also these articles for additional information :

Disable Post Registration AM Agent execution

How to disable the execution of sdagent and amagent during CAF startup?