XCOM for AIX "Could not open CAOPENSSL crypto shared library"
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XCOM for AIX "Could not open CAOPENSSL crypto shared library"


Article ID: 260288


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


Running CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 17020 SP01 64bit (for <no SNA support>) on AIX 7.1.
Enabled SSL XCOM transfers but getting the following error on just one of the servers:

Could not open CAOPENSSL crypto shared library, errno is 2, errmsg is load module /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/lib/libcaopenssl_crypto.so.

System error: No such file or directory

Could not open CAOPENSSL crypto shared library, errno is 2, errmsg is Could not

load module /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/lib/libcaopenssl_crypto.so.

System error: No such file or directory

2023/02/14 11:06:12 TID=491392

    #XCOMU0298E Unable to allocate remote transaction program: XCOMU0780E Txpi

308: TxpiInitSSL Failed msg = <> value = 4294967295:

The path for CAPKIHOME in file $XCOM_HOME/config/xcom.glb is:

Only /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/AIX/* is available on the server and not /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/*.
Not sure why it was not installed with the upgrade to SP01 on this particular server.
Please advise how to install the CAPKI5 component on this server or is it feasible for us to copy it from an AIX server where it is available?


Release : 11.6


The CAPKI version was upgraded between SP00 and SP01 and the CAPKI .installdb file gives version visibility: CAPKI version installed on XCOM for Windows, Unix or Linux
The version in file /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/.installdb should be 4.3.7
The version in file /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/.installdb should be 5.1.1

In file /opt/CA/XCOM/Uninstaller/Logs/xcominstaller.log there should be a reference to CAPKI install status when 11.6 17020 SP01 was installed e.g. for successful install:
{02/25/2022-09:41:15}Installer was initiated by user root. Release: 11.6.01. Version number of product is 11.6.1702.0

{02/25/2022-09:46:20}CAPKI Installed successfully
Therefore any error there might indicate the root cause of why CAPKI5 was not installed.


It is not possible to re-run the SP01 installer to just install the CAPKI5 component.

On an AIX server which has directory /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5 pack up its contents into a single file using a Unix utility like tar or a zip type tool (to retain file permissions/integrity). Then copy that file to the problem server to be unpacked e.g.
Using tar:
# cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI
# tar cvf CAPKI5.tar CAPKI5
Binary copy CAPKI5.tar to the problem server directory /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/ and unpack it to create sub-directory CAPKI5 i.e.
# cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI
# tar xvf CAPKI5.tar

Subsequent SSL transfers were then successful.