How can I find which version of CAPKI is actually installed on XCOM for Windows, UNIX or Linux?
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX, Linux PC
1. On Windows, the CAPKI version is stored in the registry under the key:
For example there will be Value Names:
InstallDir = C:\Program Files\CA\SC\CAPKI
Version: 5.2.5
NOTE XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP03 64bit no longer used CAPKI and had its own OpenSSL library files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll.
However in XCOM for Windows 11.6 SP03 patch LU08141 (22110) OpenSSL was upgraded to 1.0.2zf to resolve OpenSSL vulnerability CVE-2022-2068. At that stage use of CAPKI was re-introduced. After that patch install the above registry key will then show Version: 5.2.10
2. On UNIX/Linux platforms, the CAPKI version can be found in file ".installdb" located under the $CASHCOMP/CAPKI directory and the xcom.glb CAPKIHOME parameter shows the exact location.
Linux r11.6 SP01 64-bit (xcom.glb shows "CAPKIHOME=/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/Linux/amd64/64/lib"):
# cat $CASHCOMP/CAPKI/CAPKI5/Linux/amd64/64/.installdb
CurrentVersion 5.1.0
CAXCOM 5.1.0
AIX r11.6 SP00 64-bit (xcom.glb shows "CAPKIHOME=CAPKIHOME=/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/lib"):
# cat $CASHCOMP/CAPKI/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/.installdb
CurrentVersion 4.3.7
CAXCOM 4.3.7
AIX r11.6 SP01 64bit (xcom.glb shows "CAPKIHOME=/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CAPKI/CAPKI5/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/lib"):
#cat $CASHCOMP/CAPKI/CAPKI5/AIX/powerpc/xlc64/.installdb
CurrentVersion 5.1.1
CAXCOM 5.1.1
NOTE: Similar to XCOM for Windows, later 11.6 SP03 patches on UNIX/Linux platforms upgraded OpenSSL to 1.0.2zf to resolve OpenSSL vulnerability CVE-2022-2068. After that install the .installdb fille will show:
CurrentVersion 5.2.10
CAXCOM 5.2.10