Brocade (BSN) - Upgrade Access/Build Profile
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Brocade (BSN) - Upgrade Access/Build Profile


Article ID: 258609


Updated On: 10-16-2024


Support Portal


Learn how to upgrade a profile for additional services. 

  • Case Management
  • Software Downloads
  • Brocade Support Link (BSL)
  • Licensing
  • Reporting
  • Education



  • Customer Access - A serial number with a valid Brocade Direct Support Contract is required for Customer Access. Processing may take up to 24 business hours.
  • OEM End Users - If your serial number is under support through an authorized OEM, "Customer Access" is not available through the Brocade Support Portal. Please select "Tool Access Only" for Licensing, Reporting and Education.
  • To Avoid Delays and Expedite Processing - We strongly recommend registering using your corporate email domain and an entitled serial number. Once registered, you can begin using your Broadcom Support online account.
  • Shared Email Aliases - Our company security policy is to not allow upgraded "Customer Access" to shared email aliases. Please register with your named company issued email address (i.e. first name.last name).
    • note: there is an exception if the shared alias is to be used for BSL auto case creation purposes only. Shared email aliases will only be approved if another 'named' user under the same domain is approved for Customer Access.
  • Public Hosted Email Domains - Our company security policy is to not allow general public hosted email aliases for upgrading (i.e., @hotmail, ect…). A valid company domain and passing Global Trade Compliance is required.


Helpful References and Guides:

New Registrations, Click Here


Existing User: Upgrade Access/Build Profile

1. Log in to the Broadcom Support Portal at

2. Go to the ‘Build your profile’ page to upgrade your access or Select My Profile under your Name Drop Down

3. Click on ‘Yes, I want to Build My profile’ to unlock additional services

4. Select Brocade Storage Networking to display the required fields

5. Select the desired access type:

  • Tools Access Only. Select this option for access to Licensing, Reporting, and Education. 
  • Customer Access: Select this option for access to Case Management, Software Downloads, Brocade Support Link (BSL), Customer Knowledge Base, Licensing, Reporting and Education. 

       Important Note: Only one serial number with valid Brocade Support entitlement is required when registering or upgrading your profile for "Customer Access", please do not submit multiple requests.

When selecting Customer Access, a serial number field is visible and enabled for verification: 

6. Complete the form with address fields and click on Submit.

7. Review all of the details provided and click Confirm and Continue. If you need to edit any details, click Edit Response.

You have now successfully submitted a request to upgrade your profile/access. Click Close.

NOTE: Please allow 24 business hours for processing.