DX OI - NetOps OI Connector - What's New
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DX OI - NetOps OI Connector - What's New


Article ID: 258552


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence DX OI SaaS


The following is the list improvements done to the NetOps OIConnector per release


DX NetOps OIConnector

DX Operational Intelligence onpremise and SaaS


OI Connector 3.12.0

Shipped with NetOps 23.3.6    
[DE582746]: resolves the issue with the duplicate group names causing memory issue for TAS

OI Connector 3.11.0    
- Fixes to the below defects:

[DE585465]: OI Connector does not properly escape characters in tenant name
[DE584506]: OI Connector Produces Unable to determine CAPC version error in Multi Tenant Setup
[DE584356]: OI NetOps Connector Triggers Kafka errors related to Unused Syslog Event Integration in Secured Kafka

OI Connector 3.10.0    

- This release includes third-party library upgrades.
- The installer failure issue using Java 11.0.20 has been resolved.

OI Connector 3.4.0-3.9.0

- Releases include third-party library upgrades.

OI Connector 3.3.0

  • 3rd party library upgrades - Spring, jackson, jetty, apache commons, etc

OI Connector 3.2.0

  • 3rd party library upgrades (spring/jetty)
  • Modified installer to use kafka-installer merge module which tests to make sure kafka is accessible (we no longer ship kafka with the connector - customer needs to download and install NetOps Kafka or provide their own kafka instance)
  • Set compiled code to be java 11
  • Use netops kafka sdk for creation of the topic used for sending log events to NetOps

OI Connector 3.1.0

  • Numerous 3rd party and internal library upgrades to address vulnerabilities reported by Blackduck
  • Updated installer to no longer provide a kafka installation - the user is instead required to have pre-installed kafka using either an apache downloaded package, or preferably our NetOps Kafka package (available from our customer support download page alongside the rest of NetOps release).

OI Connector 3.0.0

  • NFA/ADA integration has been removed - NFA and ADA metrics will no longer be harvested and sent by the connector
  • The connector has been upgraded to use version 1.4.49 of the supportability jar 
  • The connector will attempt to use the Reactive NASS Client to ingest metrics into NASS.  If the React support is not available on the OI server the connector will fall back to REST ingestion.
  • Spring and other 3rd party library upgrades to address vulnerabilities
  • The connector delays the consumption of metrics from the kafka bus until the first PM inventory harvest has been completed.  This prevents loss of metrics on restart of the connector but results in a longer delay between when the connector is launched and metrics start flowing to OI.
  • Internal code changes have been made to improve the memory utilization of the connector - we are now able to successfully run the connector with 16GB heap on our poda performance test environment.  (This is a 1/3 reduction in heap requirements).

OI Connector 2.1.8

  • Spring, jackson 3rd party library upgrades to address vulnerabilities

OI Connector 2.1.7

  • Upgraded to Java 11 - Java 11 is now required to install/run connector
  • 3rd party library upgrades: jackson, bc-fips, etc.
  • Guard against NPE when an interface has no parent global device id

OI Connector 2.1.6

  • Support for OI Log Analytics integration
  • log4j2 upgrade

OI Connector 2.1.5

  • 3rd Party Library upgrades: log4j2, RestEasy

OI Connector 2.1.4

  • Log4J Vulnerability Mitigation

  • Defect Fixes

OI Connector 2.1.3

  • Encrypted Sensitive Data in Configuration Files

  • Connector Contributes Health Status to DX Operational Intelligence

  • Syslog Integration with NetOps Portal (Requires DX OI Log Analytics)

  • Connector download from DX Operational Intelligence SaaS

OI Connector 2.1.2

  • Authenticated Connection to NetOps Portal and DA APIs

OI Connector 2.1.1

  • Introduction of Kafka Data Bus for PM Metric Harvesting
    Many Performance & Scale Enhancements

Additional Information

