When we try to connect to the primary hub with "Infrastructure Manager", the following pop-up appears: "Login Failed - Cannot locate specified domain".
The primary hub is not stable and seems to be restarting continuously. GUI's cannot be opened from IM and controller.log and hub.log don't clearly indicate any major issue.
As the robot.cfg in the primary hub is compromised this must be restored. Either restore the robot.cfg from a backup or compare another working robot.cfg and recover the missing sections.
Below is an example of a working robot.cfg from a primary hub:
robotname = uimrobot
hubip = ##.##.##.##
robotip = ##.##.##.##
first_probe_port = 48000
set_qos_source = yes
ip_version = ipv4 ipv6
domain = uim_domain
hub = uim_hub
cryptkey = C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\security\certificate.pem
reset_folder_acls = no
copy_acls_from_programfiles = yes
reuse_async_session = 1
hubrobotname = <hostname>
hubport = 48002
access_0 = 0
access_1 = 1
access_2 = 2
access_3 = 3
access_4 = 4
loglevel = 5
NIM_JRE_HOME = jre/jre8u282b08
NIM_JRE_HOME_1_8 = jre/jre8u282b08
In some cases, it helps to reinstall the robot by running the NimBUS Robot installer from Nimsoft\install\setup on the Primary hub.
Related KB:
UIM 23.4 OC and primary hub become intermittently unresponsive