Attempts to upgrade will fail with the error: "The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager reporting account does not connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database"
upgrade.log may show the error:
2022-11-18 07:45:03.837 THREAD 96 INFO: getDatabaseConnectionWithNTLMv2Retry, jdbcURL: jdbc:sqlserver://[SQL_SERVER]1433;databaseName=[DATABASE_NAME];integratedSecurity=false;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true, user: [REPORTER_USER]
2022-11-18 07:45:03.837 THREAD 96 SEVERE: exception retrieving connection
2022-11-18 07:45:03.837 THREAD 96 SEVERE: exception retrieving connection
2022-11-18 07:45:03.837 THREAD 96 WARNING: Login failed for user '[REPORTER_USER]'. ClientConnectionId:[CONNECTION_ID]\
2022-11-18 07:45:03.947 THREAD 96 SEVERE: Upgrade.doUpgrade com.sygate.scm.server.util.ServerException
Upgrading to 14.3 RU5 or 14.3 RU6
External SQL database with authentication set to Windows Only mode.
This is a known issue.
During upgrade, a script is run that will test the reporter account login. By default, the reporter account uses SQL authentication. It is expected to fail such a connection test in windows only mode. Instead of ignoring this failure the upgrade script will instead, abort the upgrade.
This issue is fixed in Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) (RU7). For information on how to obtain the latest build of SEP, see Download Symantec software, tools, and patches.
There is a workaround for this issue. Temporarily enable mixed mode authentication in SQL.
Once this is done you can re-run the upgrade as normal.
The test script should be successful in this case.
Once the upgrade is successful, the changes to the SQL server can be reversed without error.