UrlAnalyzer: Missing category list for URL <url> in unpatched Messaging Gateway 10.8.0
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UrlAnalyzer: Missing category list for URL <url> in unpatched Messaging Gateway 10.8.0


Article ID: 255592


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


Messaging Gateway (SMG) is treating some URLs has having the Unknown URL category even though the URL shows a category in Symantec Sitereview.

The following notice level message appears in the Messaging Gateway (SMG) logs. The URL content may change but there are multiple errors indicating an inability to process a URL with URL reputation scanning.

2023-02-10T13:22:23+03:00 (NOTICE:21301.1699804928): [86010] [ <[email protected]>] UrlAnalyzer: Missing category list for URL 'www.example.com\xD8\x8C' in file 'URL only'.  Original JSON: '[{"uri":"www.example.com\xD8\x8C","risk_level_query_errors":["core_status_url_reputation"],"query_errors":["core_status_url_reputation"]}]'.



Release : 10.8.0


URL extraction is not getting the proper URL string for submission to URL categorization.


This is a known issue and may be resolved by applying patch 10.8.0-293 which will address the problem for some URLs.

The issue is fully addressed in Messaging Gateway 10.8.1 and later.

Note: "UrlAnalyzer: Error 'core_status_url_reputation' is a general warning indicating that the URL could not be resolved. There a number of reasons the error can occur. This article covers specifically an issue with URL extraction including non-ASCII characters in the URL string. For details about other causes of the "core_status_url_reputation" error, refer to the following Knowledge Base article:
WARNING: UrlAnalyzer: Error 'core_status_url_reputation' processing URL '<url>' in file 'URL only'.