When reviewing the Messaging Gateway Brightmail Engine logs, there are a number of log messages at WARNING level indicating a problem with URL reputation filtering:
2024-07-10T11:04:43-07:00 (WARNING:346.1535108864): [86014] [ <[email protected]>] UrlAnalyzer: Error 'core_status_url_reputation' processing URL 'https://www.example.com/' in file 'URL only'.
Messaging Gateway is unable to connect to the cloud based URL reputation web API.
URL reputation includes both a local URL database as well as a cloud hosted web API for checking URL reputation. When a URL is not found in the local database, Messaging Gateway will connect to the cloud hosted web API to check to see if there is any new information on the URL since the last update of the local URL database.
Please ensure that Messaging Gateway has unrestricted access to outbound HTTPS / TCP port 443 through any intermediate firewalls.
The cloud based web API IP address may be different depending on the region so restricting SMG access to specific IPs may cause issues connecting to cloud hosted web APIs used by Messaging Gateway.