Creating a Custom Inventory to track Wireless settings in BIOS on Dell laptops
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Creating a Custom Inventory to track Wireless settings in BIOS on Dell laptops


Article ID: 252150


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Client Management Suite IT Management Suite Inventory Solution


Customer wants to inventory and track the BIOS settings on our Dell laptops and desktops.   Specifically the WwanAutoSense, WlanAutoSense, WirelessWwan and WirelessWlan settings to start but this tracking of Bios Elements may grow as the need arises.


Dell Laptops


We created a new Custom Inventory using Powershell for the Dell Wireless settings.  The script is attached to this KB.

Additional Information

Resources, for how to setup Custom Inventory:

Introduction to Custom Inventory in Notification Server 8.x 

Popular Custom Inventory Samples (8.x)


NOTE: Please note that Broadcom Support does not support custom scripting or reporting so modifications to the script and report must be made by the user. Please contact Symantec Consulting Services for assistance with creating custom inventory scripts or custom reports, who can be reached here:

178304 “How to View Custom Inventory Data with a Custom Report”

Attachments get_app