View Custom Inventory Data with a Custom Report
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View Custom Inventory Data with a Custom Report


Article ID: 178304


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Inventory Solution


 How to View Custom Inventory Data with a Custom Report


ITMS 8.x


After setting up custom inventory script task and a custom data class to collect and store custom inventory data, the easiest way to view the data is to create a custom SQL report. For the previous steps please see KB 181379 for setting up a custom data class and KB 178942 for setting up a custom inventory script task.

  1. Create a SQL query for the custom report:
    1. Identify the SQL database table created for the custom dataclass, its name will be Inv_Data_Class.
    2. Identify the columns (attributes) of the data class table that will be viewed in the report.
    3. To view the names of the inventoried computers followed by their custom inventory data construct a SQL query as follows and supply the appropriate data class table and attributes:

select vItem.Name [Computer], Inv_Data_Class.Attribute1, Inv_ Data_Class.Attribute2 from Inv_ Data_Class
left join vItem on Inv_ Data_Class._ResourceGuid = vItem.Guid

  1. Create the custom report:
    1. Go to Reports>All Reports.
    2. Browse to a folder where you would like to add the custom report and Right Click on the folder.
    3. Select New>Report>SQL Report.
    4. Give the report an appropriate name.
    5. Replace the text under Parameterized Query with the SQL query created in step 1.
    6. Click Save Changes.

Additional Information

KB 178942 “How to Inventory a Specific File Type Using Altiris Custom Inventory”

KB 178794 “Popular Custom Inventory Samples (8.x)”

KB 180913 “How to create a custom report in Inventory Solution”