MUX Board View - Default sort is not honoured
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MUX Board View - Default sort is not honoured


Article ID: 249894


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Steps to Reproduce :-

  1.  Login to Classic UI -> Administration -> Lookups -> Create new Dynamic Lookup.
  2. Use the below query.

    (select 'White' as name,1 as lookup_order from dual
    select 'Green' as name,2 as lookup_order from dual
    select 'Purple' as name, 3 as lookup_order from dual
    select 'Black' as name, 4 as lookup_order from dual
    ) a
    where @FILTER@

  3. On the Parent Window select both Hidden Key and Display Attribute as "name".
  4. On Browse Window Change the Default Sorting Column to "lookup_order".
  5. Navigate to Administration -> Objects -> Project -> Create a new attribute with the above lookup and API enable it.
  6. Navigate to New UX -> Projects Grid and configure the New Attribute created in step 5 to the Grid. Edit the value for few projects and select the lookup value.
  7. Change the view to Board and in View Options, Under Board Options -> Columns select the same attribute.

Expected Results :- Lookup Values are shown in the order which is defined by the Default Sorting Column

Actual Results :- Lookup values are shown in a random order.

Note: A similar issue also occurs on the Custom Investment, Dynamic lookup field in the Board View is not honoring the sort order given in the Lookup on the Custom Investment.


Release : 16.1.3 and all supported Clarity releases 

Component : Clarity MUX UI Usability




This was reviewed by Clarity Engineering as part of DE66565. It has been determined to be not a defect.

A change to this behaviour can be considered as part of an enhancement. Process for logging enhancement requests is here.