Anomaly detection - Increasing the default 50.000 metric limit
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Anomaly detection - Increasing the default 50.000 metric limit


Article ID: 246967


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence DX Operational Observability


As per documentation: Anomaly Detection 

"The Metric Monitoring Groups view displays the total available metrics for a tenant and the total consumed metrics of a tenant. The total predefined metric limits for anomaly detection are set at 50000 metrics for a tenant and 5000 metrics for an individual metric group. You must ensure that the total metrics enabled for anomaly detection at any given time are within 50000 metrics for a tenant and 5000 metrics for a metric group."

How to increase default 50.000 metric limit ?



  • DX OI 23.*,24.*
  • DX O2 2*




1. Log in to dxi manager as "masteradmin"
2. Click on Cluster Settings in the left tab
3. Click on Change tenant and select your tenant, for example:
4. Add these 2 properties -
apm.oimetricpublisher.doi.tenantmetriclimit = <total metrics allowed per tenant- default 50K> 
apm.oimetricpublisher.doi.groupmetriclimit = <total metrics per group - default 5K>
Example of increasing the limits to 100K and 10K respectively

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