License Expiration/Management Customer Help Guide
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Article ID: 245760


Updated On:


Email Support Portal


The Email Security.Cloud management portal – Clientnet – will display an in-product banner to email administrators if one or more of their subscriptions is about to expire, has expired or is absent. The banner warns the customer that we will suspend service in 30 days if they do not renew or purchase a license.
In an effort to resolve any subscriptions issues, a Subscription Management tool within portal is available allowing you to see your current subscriptions, and manage them between your existing tenants. Additionally, there’s a report available with the site id and respective services contracted. If you come across any issues managing your subscriptions, please do reach out via the standard support ticketing process for customers - here.

Timeline of the subscription lifecycle:

1. Banner 1 is displayed 30 days to expiration

2. Banner 2 is displayed 30 days to suspension

3. Email disclaimer appended to emails of accounts that are about to be deleted if not renewed.


Please check the Frequently Asked Questions below:


  1. I have a valid license but I’ve received the license expiry banner in Clientnet. Am I at risk of losing data?

    There’s no risk of suspension or data loss at this point in time, however, we do urge you to open a support case to get any subscription issues resolved. An official statement will be published when we plan to start enacting the suspensions. Again, currently, nothing will happen after the time stated in the notification elapses.

  2. I believe I have a valid license, how can I know if I have multiple tenants of Email Security.Cloud? Why would I have multiple tenants?

    An incorrectly processed subscription renewal can create a new tenant instead of applying a subscription to an existing tenant. When this error happens, you may have two tenants but only one has a valid subscription (the extra duplicate).

    Please open a ticket with our support team to properly locate the second tenant. Or refer to About Managing your Subscriptions or refer to the guide for more information.

  3. I didn’t have a valid license and now need to purchase or renew one. How should I initiate an order?

    • If you have a preferred partner or Distributor, please contact them to assist with a quote for your license/subscription.
    • If you do not have a preferred partner, please refer to the Partner Locator HERE and select the Region and Location and then select one of our partners who can assist you with a quote.

      Should you require any further assistance please contact Broadcom Software’s Partner Help Desk: [email protected]

  4. What other situations can cause the banner to be displayed?
    If you have multiple subscriptions on the tenant and one has expired. For example, you renewed Email Safeguard, but forgot to renew Email Threat Isolation or Email Threat Detection and Response. Or, you may have had a trial that wasn’t fully removed, leaving it active and without a valid subscription for it on the tenant.
    For additional information on what services you presently have active on the tenant contact Support.

  5. I have two tenants and I need to transfer the subscription to the active tenant, how do I transfer the subscription? 

    You can use the Subscription Management tool to transfer the subscription to the tenant you want to keep. Please see our guide on the Subscription Management tool as it contains details on how to transfer a subscription.

  6. I have two tenants and I need to transfer the subscription but I can’t remember the username or password for the secondary tenant. How do I access the tenants?

    Contact support for assistance with the username(email address) for the secondary tenant.

  7. I have started the renewal process, but it will take some time. As a result, it won't be completed before the expiration/suspension time frame. What can I do to continue to use the service normally until the renewal is complete?

    Contact/remind your sales rep to request a temporary Service Extension if one hasn't been put in place yet. This ensures the service continues to work as normal, and also removes the banner temporarily (if the extension is longer than 30 days). 

  8. I transferred my subscription to the main tenant and would now like to delete the secondary tenant. How do I delete the unused tenant?

    If you are ready to delete the unused tenant, please follow the steps outlined in the guide under the section “Transfer subscriptions from one tenant to another.” Please note that if an account has any domains that are associated with it, then you cannot delete the account. Please follow the instructions in the guide on how to delete your domains.

  9. How do I find the Subscription Management Tool?

    The Subscription Management Tool can be found in Clientnet via the following path: Dashboard -> Tools -> Subscription Management.

  10. My company merged with another company using and we decided to keep two separate tenants. How do we share our subscriptions across both tenants?

    You can share your subscription across the multiple tenants you own and that you plan to retain. Do note that the sharing of subscriptions across tenants is still subject to Terms and Conditions, and bound by the cumulative User Count contracted. There may be adjustments needed like purchasing additional users. Please refer to the guide on the Subscription Management tool and refer to the section “Share Subscriptions Between Tenants.”

  11. How can I find out which specific Email Security.Cloud service has expired on my account so it can be removed and the warning banner will be cleared?  

    We added a new report in the portal, which will show existing subscription/s. The new Service Subscriptions report can be accessed in the portal via the Reports tab. The report includes start and end dates, status, and the service included in each subscription.

    Contact support if you need additional assistance.

  12. Where can I find more information on the Email product?

    Email comes in two offerings: 
    • Email Safeguard (base)
    • Email Safeguard (base) + Email Threat Detection and Response (add-on)

      For more information on the product click HERE.


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