We are observed UIM net_connect tet alerts are not reflecting in DOI.
DX Operational Intelligence 2x versions.
Only the alarms which are associated with an inventory device are forwarded to OI.
If test alarms do not have an associated device , they will be discarded by the OI
In the oi_connector log, you will find messages similar to the one below:
Sep 17 02:04:43:358 [ALARM_PROCESSOR_THREAD-2, oi_connector] Dropping alarm. CIInformation not found for alarm pds PDS [ht={udata=Element [buf=null, pds=PDS [ht={severity=Element [buf=null, pds=null, tpds=null, type=7, value=critical], nas=Element [buf=null, pds=null, tpds=null, type=7, value=ibnt
Create alarms which are associated with a real inventory device