Can Endpoint Prevent Agent monitor file uploads in MS Edge with NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled.
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Can Endpoint Prevent Agent monitor file uploads in MS Edge with NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled.


Article ID: 244446


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent


Microsoft has enabled Network Service Sandbox Enabled mode from Edge 102 onward as noted in Microsoft Edge - Policies - NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled

Is it possible to use the Chrome workaround noted in Article 233747 - Chrome detection fails with Network Service Sandbox Enabled to address this behavior?


Release : DLP 15.8


Edge update


No action is required as the NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled mode does not impact Edge Chromium monitoring on 15.8.x or later.

Endpoint Edge (HTTPS) monitoring will work on any 15.8.x Endpoint Agent build. 


Additional Information

As always recommended, apply the latest General Available (GA) DLP Version, Maintenance Pack (MP) and Hot Fix (HF) available.

DLP Agent releases available for LiveUpdate 

DLP Endpoint Agent build numbers and latest hotfix information