How do I use a group name with a space correctly in my SPE Silent Installation?
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How do I use a group name with a space correctly in my SPE Silent Installation?


Article ID: 244115


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Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


A silent installation because it is not recognizing the entire group name properly.

There is a space in the group name and you are unable to use double quotes.

How do you escape the space in the group name when performing a silent installation?

For example:
Group name is formatted as "example\ef gh" with a space in it and you cannot format it like this or the name isn't read properly because there are already double quotes being used.

SymantecProtectionEngine.exe /s /v"/qn AUTHENTICATIONMODE=AD GROUP_NAME=example\ef gh"

The above line will not work because of the space that is being used in the group name.


The silent installation cannot proceed if the group name is not formatted correctly.  A space in the group name requires the proper escape character.


A space in the group name must be escaped properly for the silent installation to work correctly.  To escape the group name you can use the ^ character.

For example:

SymantecProtectionEngine.exe /s /v"/qn AUTHENTICATIONMODE=AD GROUP_NAME=example\ef^ gh" should now work because the ^ character escapes the space in the group name and recognizes it as a single data point.

This should allow the silent installation to proceed now with the group name that includes a space.

Additional Information

References: Performing silent install of Protection Engine on another disk or custom path containing spaces