Jaspersoft Won't Start as Service
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Jaspersoft Won't Start as Service


Article ID: 242795


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


I followed the instructions documented in this knowledge document How to Configure Jaspersoft as a Windows Service 

The service appears to start, but the Jaspersoft does not load. Tomcat is running, there are no errors in the logs.

If you manually start Jaspersoft from a command prompt it starts without any issue.


Release : Any


This specific behavior may be due to a system rights issue.

When Jaspersoft is started from a command prompt it's using the rights of the user running the command prompt to start Jaspersoft. When Jaspersoft is started as a Service the local server account "Local System" is used to start the service.

In some specific instances the "Local System" account may be restricted, and not able to access the needed files to start Jaspersoft


There are two options that may help in resolving this issue:

1. A system administrator can review the security rights on the server to determine why rights were removed from the Local System user. Changes can be made to restore the standard out of the box security rights.

2. A new account can be created (on the server, or on the domain the server is joined to), and that user can be assigned full admin privilege. The Windows Service can be updated, go to the "Properties" and access the "Log On" tab. The "This account" option can be checked, and you can specify the login of a specific user with the needed rights. An important note on this, if the password ever expires, you will not be able to start the service. If possible the account should be set up for the password to never expire to avoid this problem.