Configuring Jaspersoft as a Windows Service
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Configuring Jaspersoft as a Windows Service


Article ID: 76789


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


How to configure Jaspersoft as a Windows service?


Jaspersoft 7.8 and Tomcat 9.0.37


Prerequisites: It is necessary to have the correct Java executables referenced in the PATH environment variable.

  1. Navigate to the bin folder inside the Tomcat folder.
  2. Type "service install JasperReports", JasperReports being the name of the service, and execute it to create the service.

  3. Edit the newly created service by executing "tomcat9w.exe //ES//JasperReports" from the above directory.
  4. We see a service dialog open up. Navigate to the Java tab to edit the JVM configuration.
  5. Add the below JVM parameters under section Java Options:
    • NOTE: UseConcMarkSweepGC is used to determine the Java Garbage collector method for Jaspsersoft
    • Duser.home is the home folder of the user that was used to install Jaspersoft
  6. Specify values for Initial Pool Memory and Maximum Pool Memory. Thread stack size remains as 2048.

  7. Apply the changes and launch the service from Windows services console.