WIN64BIT Client Install Package missing after upgrade to 14.3 RU3
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WIN64BIT Client Install Package missing after upgrade to 14.3 RU3


Article ID: 235678


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Endpoint Protection


WIN64BIT Client Install Package is missing after Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) upgrade to 14.3 RU3 build 5427. A client package can be added to the SEPM console manually, but it disappears after 1-3 minutes.


This error is often accompanied with a broken link in the DB with the physical file ids. See more on DB validator in

Use dbvalidator to diagnose manager database issues


14.3 RU3 build 5427


This error was resolved in Symantec Endpoint Protection version 14.3 RU5.


This error can be resolved also by following this procedure:

  1. Go to Admin > Install Packages
  2. Import Linux package version 14.3.5413.3000, "Symantec Endpoint Protection version 14.3.5413.3000 for LINUXSTUB".
    (Keep this package don't delete, this will unmark RU3 Linux package as suspended)
  1. Then import 14.3 RU3 Win64 bit package