How to export your SNMPv3 strings before upgrading in Spectrum
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How to export your SNMPv3 strings before upgrading in Spectrum


Article ID: 235354


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


As a precaution before upgrading, we would recommend to make a backup copy of your SNMPv3 strings.  This is a very simple process that could save a lot of time afterwards if there is an issue after the upgrade with the SNMPv3 strings.


Spectrum 10.x, 21.x, 22.x


Unlikely, but possible corruption to happen during an upgrade


There are two methods that you can use to do this.


Method 1  Use the Modeling Gateway to Export the Security Srings

Link to Modeling Gateway method


Method 2 Use CLI to dump the SNMPv3 strings

1. First get the model handle in CLI of the GlobalConfig model

$ ./show models | grep -i GlobalConfig
0x100012    GlobalConfig                      0x10470     GlobalConfig


2. Get the SNMPv3 raw attribute values (attribute 0x13388)

$ ./show attributes mh=0x100012 | grep -i SNMPv3Profiles 
0x12bd4     oldSNMPv3Profiles
0x13388     SNMPv3Profiles                                         5A.CE.C0.E4.A.BE.A8.8B.A2.56.A.42.C3.E1.47.6B.89.4E.97.96.3F.FF.57.94.5E.12.7F.37.FB.C0.64.E0


3. In my example the raw values are listed above in AlphaNumeric characters, these should be saved all together on the same line in case you need to reimport them.


4.  If you wanted to remove your SNMPv3 profiles you can do this by the following command

./update mh=0x100012 attr=0x13388,val="0"


5.  If your values are blank after an upgrade and you need to add them back you can take the values on a single line and reimport them with

./update mh=0x100012 attr=0x13388,val="5A.CE.C0.E4.A.BE.A8.8B.A2.56.A.42.C3.E1.47.6B.89.4E.97.96.3F.FF.57.94.5E.12.7F.37.FB.C0.64.E0.BD.C6.C4.5F.3F.55.3D.2E.D.D7.C.81.27.E4.E6.44.D.98.7D.BD.17.33.DB.99.B5.C5.94.FC.79.2F.31.F.D9.3C."


6. Verify they are good by running the same command again


$ ./show attributes mh=0x100012 | grep -i SNMPv3Profiles                          .4
0x12bd4     oldSNMPv3Profiles
0x13388     SNMPv3Profiles                                         5A.CE.C0.E4.A.BE.A8.8B.A2.56.A.42.C3.E1.47.6B.89.4E.97.96.3F.FF.57.94.5E.12.7F.37.FB.C0.64.E0