ERROR: "XCOMN0322E The specified network password is not correct" then "No more data is available"
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ERROR: "XCOMN0322E The specified network password is not correct" then "No more data is available"


Article ID: 234184


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XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


Executing a group of file transfers from an UNIX server to a Windows XCOM server with the remote file being written to a file server resource (\\nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn\share_name).
On the first transfer in the group this message is always displayed:
XCOMN0322E Cannot access file server: The specified network password is not correct
Subsequent transfers in the group are then successful including when retrying the first failed transfer.


  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX/Linux PC


Per article XCOM for Windows XCOMN0322E Cannot access file server ...:

  • The first part of the message i.e. "XCOMN0322E Cannot access file server" is from XCOM and is fixed.
  • The second part of the message contains additional information from the Windows API which will vary on a case by case basis: Windows API Development - System Error Codes (0-499)

"The specified network password is not correct" maybe due to using multiple Windows domains e.g. if there is a difference between the Windows Domain of the XCOM USERID being used in the transfer and the destination file server Windows Domain. After setting the XCOM DOMAIN parameter in the transfer, on the first transfer the second part of the message changed from "The specified network password is not correct" to "No more data is available". Subsequent transfers were again successful.
Following the article above, the maximum value was then set on the file server for the "IRPStackSize" parameter, but the message "No more data is available" still persisted on the first transfer.

The error happens while accessing the shared file server resource \\nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn\share_name. XCOM is reporting a problem on this file server, but at this point in time there is not enough evidence that XCOM is causing this error. Therefore the advice is to open a support ticket with the vendor of the file server and XCOM Engineering would be happy to work with the vendor as required.