No Data in Experience View or Map as below, how to fix it?
DX Application Performance Management 20.x and onward versions
Resolution and Troubleshooting steps:
Login as masteradmin
Go to Metric Browser
Check below metrics
NOTE: there can be many services instances, so you would need to review each instance
SuperDomain|apmservices|tracestore|001|Beeans|CorrelationManager|Correlation|Backends|http_//tas/tas/graph/storeAsync:Errors Per Internal
SuperDomain|apmservices|tracestore|001|Beeans|AsyncQueueManager|processJob:Average Response Time(ms)
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | grep trace
kubectl exec -ti <trace-pod> bash -n<namespace>
cd logs
tail -f tracestore.log
ERROR Unable to store graph
ServiceException Graph was discarded due to queue length limit was reached
NOTE: there can be many services instances, so you would need to review each instance
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | grep tas
kubectl exec -ti <tas-pod> bash -n<namespace>
cd logs
tail -f tas.log
if messages are not useful, unzip the previous zipped log:
gunzip tas.log.<timestamp>.0.gz
more tas.log.<timestamp>.0
result: the same ERROR is reported
kubectl -n<namespace> edit configmap apmservices-tas
Add the below 2 lines:
Save the file, here is an example:
then verify the new key has been added
kubectl -n<namespace> delete po <tapmservices-tas-pod>
kubectl -n<namespace> logs <tapmservices-tas-pod>