We are getting the following error trying to re-initialize cluster database replication
error reconnecting to master 'repluser@<gatewayhost.domainName>:3307' - retry-time: 100 retries: 23667 message: Access denied for user 'repluser'@'<gatewayhost.domainName>'
We found this article but the link in the resolution section is not working
- if trying to re-create the grants by running /opt/SecureSpan/Appliance/bin/add_slave_user.sh , is showing
ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT
Release : 10.0
Component : API GATEWAY
repluser grants were dropped .
in Both Node (Master/Slave) show-grants.txt (/opt/DCT/database/show-grants.txt ) shows this Error for repluser:
ERROR 1141 (42000) at line 1: There is no such grant defined for user 'repluser' on host '<gatewayhost.domainName>'
1. From Primary node run :
Note : use short gateway servername instead the FQDN
ie : use "<gatewayhost>" instead of "<gatewayhost.domainName>"
2. Repeat the same operation on node2 (Secondary) to re-create the grants for repluser
when prompt for MASTER Name use short name too : <gatewayhost>
3. Then, run the "API Gateway: Reinitialize replication in a multi-node cluster" procedure
4. check Replication status using : mysql -e "show slave status\G"
- the mysql cluster replication should be recovered without errors after the steps above
- also check if gateway service is running from ssg Menu option #2 , then Option# 7 :
1) Configure system settings
2) Display Layer7 API Gateway configuration menu
3) Use a privileged shell (root)
4) Change the Master Passphrase
5) Display Remote Management configuration menu
6) Manage HSM
8) Display Patch Management menu
9) Display Log Viewing menu
R) Reboot the Layer7 API Gateway appliance (apply the new configuration)
X) Exit (no reboot)
Please make a selection: 2
then option : 7) Manage Layer7 API Gateway status
should see something like this output :
Layer7 API Gateway Status
Node Status = RUNNING
Node Status Timestamp = 2022-01-13 04:21:39
Node Status Since = 2022-01-06 07:06:23