Trying to Upgrade Portal Integration between Gw 10.x and Portal 5.0.2. Following the below article for it.
When we try to upgrade the portal Integration module, we are getting the below error in step 4.
<l7:Mapping action="NewOrUpdate" actionTaken="CreatedNew" srcId="2fb8aaa0b64c671b2d0d5a63aa00eace" targetId="2fb8aaa0b64c671b2d0d5a63aa00eace" targetUri="/1.0/policies/2fb8aaa0b64c671b2d0d5a63aa00eace" type="POLICY"/>
<l7:Mapping action="NewOrUpdate" errorType="UniqueKeyConflict" srcId="2fb8aaa0b64c671b2d0d5a63aa00fb48" type="POLICY">
Steps were followed from below document.
Release : 10.0
Component : API GATEWAY
1. From Postman ,using Restman API list example :
and using the srcId = 2fb8aaa0b64c671b2d0d5a63aa00fb48 , showed on the Error message we identified the Fragment:
<l7:Name>API Plan Entity Counts Fragment</l7:Name>
2. deleted both the policies from Policy Manager
“Portal Sync API Plan” (The one we created via GMU)
“API Plan Entity Counts Fragment” (The one we identified using Restman API)
3. After deleting both the policies. We upgraded the portal Integration on QA environment. It worked successfully.