Unable to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Encryption
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Unable to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Encryption


Article ID: 229034


Updated On:


Endpoint Encryption Drive Encryption


When attempting to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Encryption, the following error is observed:

Error: Disk is still Encrypted. Uninstall aborted


SEE 11.3.1 MPx, SEE 11.4 MPX, SEE 12, SEE 12.0.1


Important Note: It is not usually recommended to decrypt drives.  Decrypting drives could leave the system in a vulnerable state and should be done only with special considerations such as the following:

*Where the machine is located (inside of a secured location our out in the wild). 
*What the reason for decrypting is? Is it a troubleshooting step? 
Typically, decrypting is not necessary for most troubleshooting and may be more risky than it's worth.

*Are you decrypting to upgrade Windows?  This is not needed as our software has functionality to accommodate this seamlessly. 
179265 - Automatically upgrade Windows 10/11 systems encrypted with Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE)

*Are you trying to upgrade the SEE Client?  Decrypting is not necessary in order to upgrade the SEE Client. 
252118 - Installing and Upgrading the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client (Deployment of SEE Client)

*Decrypting systems remotely has inherent risks associated to it, and it is better to decrypt while working on the system in front of you to ensure security.
153530 - Best Practices: Symantec Endpoint Encryption and Symantec Drive Encryption

If you are thinking about decrypting systems remotely, it is best to reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance.  



In order to uninstall the Symantec Endpoint Encryption client, first decrypt the drive.

Upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Encryption 11.3.1 or above.