How to create a local mirror of Endpoint Protection Linux repository
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How to create a local mirror of Endpoint Protection Linux repository


Article ID: 228295


Updated On: 08-28-2024


Endpoint Protection


How to create a local mirror of the Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) Linux repository


SEP 14.3 RU2 and newer on Linux


A local mirror of the SEP Linux repository may be desired when installing and updating SEP Linux Agent on machines that do not have connections to the internet.


Mirroring the repository

All you need is a Linux shell command line (bash, et al) connected to internet. This could be a physical Linux machine, or virtual machine (e.g. Windows Subsystem for Linux), or even the Cygwin Terminal for Windows. The lines of shell script below will mirror the entire 14.3 RU5 repository into the current working directory (assumed to be /path/to/mirror/ for the examples here). 

cd /path/to/mirror (move to the intended folder)
wget -q -x -N -nH -i $repo/latest.txt

Note that the /SAL/1.1 suffix is used in the examples on this page — Symantec Agent for Linux v1.1. This is the repository branch for SEP 14.3 RU5. Be sure to change this if you want to mirror a different version. The Symantec repository branches have the following suffixes:

SEP 14.3 RU1 thru RU3:

SEP 14.3 RU4:

SEP 14.3 RU5:

SEP 14.3 RU6:

SEP 14.3 RU8:

SEP 14.3 RU9:

If you want to mirror only part of the Symantec repository, e.g. only the folder for for RHEL 8.x, you can filter the mirroring by Linux distribution identifier:

wget -q -x -N -nH $(printf "$repo/%s\n" `curl -s $repo/latest.txt | grep rhel8`)

The currently supported distribution Linux identifiers are:


This repository mirror can be copied or shared as a file folder or served up by an FTP or web server. How to do this is left as an exercise for the customer.

IMPORTANT: If you plan on using this mirror for installing for cloud-managed systems on Ubuntu or Debian, you need to run the following command to make the metadata available:

find /path/to/mirror/* -type d -name sep_linux | xargs -i{} ln -sf "{}" "{}_cdm"

If using Cygwin, the Windows CYGWIN environment variable should be set to winsymlinks:nativestrict for the link command above to create proper NTFS symlinks.


Just the packages, please

If you want only the *.rpm packages downloaded to the current working directory and don't want to duplicate the rest of the repo structure, then filter on Linux distribution identifier and package name:

wget -q $(printf "$repo/%s\n" `curl -s $repo/latest.txt | grep rhel8.*rpm`)

... or for *.deb packages, e.g. Ubuntu18:

wget -q $(printf "$repo/%s\n" `curl -s $repo/latest.txt | grep ubuntu18.*deb`)

The packages for Linux distribution(s) can be manually combined with the unzipped LinuxInstaller stub to create an offline installer as described in Creating an offline installation package for the Endpoint Protection Linux Agent.


Using the SEP LinuxInstaller command with a local repository

Use the -h (--local-repo) option. (The -local-repo option does not work correctly in SEP for Linux 14.3 RU1. SEP Linux continues to connect to the Public repo even when the -local-repo argument is used.)

To install SEP Linux Agent and configure it to use a local repository mirror in a local folder or file share: 

./LinuxInstaller -- -h file:///path/to/mirror/SAL/1.1/

NOTE the triple backslash in example above is not a typo; that is how a local folder reference is formatted.

To install SEP Linux Agent using a repository mirror shared by a HTTPS web server:

./LinuxInstaller -- -h https://path/to/mirror/SAL/1.1/

NOTE the repository folder version referenced— /SAL/1.1/ for SEP 14.3 RU5 in installer command line examples above— must also match the version of LinuxInstaller otherwise it will return "No packages found that need update" - e.g. if LinuxInstaller version is 14.3 RU2, then use the 14.3 RU2 branch name (/sep_linux/14.3RU2/) in repository URL.