Fixes for high CPU usage or crashes in Endpoint Protection process ccSvcHst.exe
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Fixes for high CPU usage or crashes in Endpoint Protection process ccSvcHst.exe


Article ID: 228156


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection Endpoint Security Endpoint Security Complete


High CPU usage or crashes in the SEP process ccSvcHst.exe can occur in various versions of the SEP client. Over time, fixes have been released in subsequent versions of the SEP client. This article details the issues found, and in what versions they are fixed. All fixes are included in later versions.


Fixed in 14.0 MP2 and later
169771 - Multiple ccSvcHst program files in memory on Citrix servers despite configuring launchsmcgui=0 in the registry.
164838 - Endpoint Protection process ccSvcHst crashes after installing Windows Update KB3188730

Fixed in 14.0 RU1 and later
169503 - ccSvcHst.exe spikes CPU at 100% for 5 to 7 minutes on single core servers

Fixed in 14.2 and later
170879 - Multiple instances of ccSvcHst.exe seen on Citrix XenApp server when using Endpoint Protection 14 RU1 with Outlook Scanner
171967 - Endpoint Protection process ccsvchst.exe crashes after upgrading to Endpoint Protection 14.2

Fixed in 14.2 MP1 and later
172665 - ccSvcHst.exe causes high CPU on Endpoint Protection managed clients in version 14.0 - 14.2

Fixed in 14.2 MP2 and later
165027 - Persistent per-user ccSvcHst.exe processes prevent graceful session logoff

Fixed in 14.2 RU1 and later
175058 - "smc -stop" command does not terminate ccSvcHst.exe

Fixed in 14.2 RU1 MP1 and later
175075 - ccSvcHst.exe crashes and stops Endpoint Protection 14

Fixed in 14.2 RU2 and later
175440 - Endpoint Protection process ccSvcHst.exe crashes after installing 14.2 RU1
176013 - ccSvcHst.exe crashes on 32-bit operating systems after RapidJSON fails to allocate virtual memory

Fixed in 14.3 RU1 and later
201920 - Endpoint Protection process ccSvcHst.exe crashes after installing 14.3

Fixed in 14.3 RU1 MP1 and later
206088 - ccSvcHst.exe crashes with exception code 0xc0000374

Fixed in Definition releases October 6th 2021 or later:
198172 - Endpoint Protection 14.3 ccSvcHst.exe crashes when using Profile Relocator