Report a malware review request on Cloudsoc
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Report a malware review request on Cloudsoc


Article ID: 226936


Updated On:


CASB Security Advanced CASB Advanced Threat Protection CASB Gateway Advanced CASB Security Advanced IAAS CASB Security Premium CASB Security Standard CASB Securlet SAAS


This article goes through the steps to follow to request: 

  • a malware scan review either for the False Positives or False Negatives. 
  • a categorization review on a URL or a domain 


Threat Protection is enabled on the Cloudsoc tenant and at least one of the scan services is enabled (Malware and/or Advanced Threat Protection)


1-To file a request to review a malware scan results on the contents (false positive, false negative ..etc):

Use this URL to file the request :  for more information, please visit the following KB article: Submit suspicious files to Symantec Security Response


2-To file a request to review a malicious URL result:

Malicious URL: , for more information please visit this the following KB article: WebPulse Site Review Request Process