How to set a longer password lifecycle for the "masteradmin" password?
DX Platform 2x
By default password expires after 180 days
How to check this value?
If you are using DX Platform 2x
a) obtain the postgres pod name
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | grep postgres
b) exec postgres pod
kubectl exec -it <postgres-pod> -n<namespace> bash
1) connect to aoplatform database
psql -U aopuser -d aoplatform
2) Check default validity Period as below
select * from aradminpwdpolicy ;
orgname | minpasswordlength | maxpasswordlength | minnumericchars | minalphachars | minspecialchars | strikecount | allowedsplchars | isglobal | validityperiod |
passwordhistcount | isallowall
--globalorganization-- | 6 | 25 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 5 | | Y | 180 |
3 | N