Installer fails with below error messages:
[verify] [ ERROR ] Verification pods of Deployment ng-acc-configserver-deployment: [Running]
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-configserver-deployment-fdc765857-hjdwn Initialized: True -> null
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-configserver-deployment-fdc765857-hjdwn Ready: False -> containers with unready status: [ng-acc-configserver-container]
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-configserver-deployment-fdc765857-hjdwn ContainersReady: False -> containers with unready status: [ng-acc-configserver-container]
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-configserver-deployment-fdc765857-hjdwn PodScheduled: True -> null
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod of Deployment ng-acc-configserver-deployment has failed to start in the given timeframe.
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-repository-deployment-6fb69885f8-d8kkj Initialized: False -> containers with incomplete status: [init-ds]
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-repository-deployment-6fb69885f8-d8kkj Ready: False -> containers with unready status: [ng-acc-repository-bundles-container ng-acc-repository-container]
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-repository-deployment-6fb69885f8-d8kkj ContainersReady: False -> containers with unready status: [ng-acc-repository-bundles-container ng-acc-repository-container]
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod ng-acc-repository-deployment-6fb69885f8-d8kkj PodScheduled: True -> null
[verify] [ ERROR ] Pod of Deployment ng-acc-repository-deployment has failed to start in the given timeframe.
DX Platform Installer 20.2.x
-Poor NFS Throughput (IOps and speed)
-NFS not using SSD as per hardware recommendation
-Poor Network Speed (recommended NIC 10 GB/s between the nodes)
1) Use script to validate NFS Throughput
2) Make sure your setup aligns with all the hardware recommendations and prerequisites:
DX AIOPs - Troubleshooting, Common Issues and Best Practices