Applications Manager (Appworx) Upgrade - Best Practices
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Applications Manager (Appworx) Upgrade - Best Practices


Article ID: 222411


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


This article covers some of the Best Practices when upgrading Applications Manager / Appworx to version 9.5.3.


CA Automic Applications Manager 9.5.3




 Upgrade from Version 9.x to 9.5.3

Download Latest Version (at this time: 9.5.3)


Upgrade Documentation - link to documentation upgrade topic

Installation Media - link to all 9.5.x or 9.x.x installation media

Compatibility Matrix - compatibility matrix for 9.5.3 or any other AM version

Release Notes Tool - shows bug fixes and feature changes between any 2 versions of AM

9.5.3 Release Notes - link to documentation's Release Notes section


Requirements for installation:

  • Java installed - Running 'java -version' and 'which java' will give you the java version and directory where java is in
  • Oracle installed - Oracle should be installed and $ORACLE_HOME should be set
  • Sqlplus available - You should be able to run the sqlplus command and connect the the database instance using the AM Oracle username and password
  • The creation of the the AM oracle user and schema. The documentation for this is here
  • With 9.3 and higher, You must use a custom SSL certificate for connection authentication by creating user_keystore and user_keystore_config  files on the Automation Engine and client machines. Click Here For Details

Using Custom SSL Certificates for Connection Authentication

Last Updated July 15, 2021

An SSL certificate is now necessary to connect Automation Engine with Remote Agent and Clients. Using your own certificate prevents unauthorized connections between the connection endpoints.

The SSL certificate provided can be a self-signed certificate or issued by a CA (Certificate Authority).

To configure the SSL certificate on your server.

  1. Create a user_keystore  file.
    • With self-signed certificate:

keytool -keystore user_keystore -keyalg RSA -genkey -alias "AM" -storetype JKS -storepass <password>

The following is a sample location where the file gets generated: 

C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin With CA issued certificate: 

A .CER file can be imported to a keystore using the following command:

keytool -importcert -file certificate.cer -keystore user_keystore -alias "AM" -storetype JKS -storepass <password> -trustcacerts

To encrypt the password, go to the AW_HOME/web/classes directory, ensure that AW variables are exported and run the following command:

java -DAW_HOME=${AW_HOME} -cp AppWorx.jar;uc4-ra.jar com.appworx.util.EncryptKeystoreFile <password>


The following is a sample location where the file gets generated: AW_HOME\data

CA Issued Certificate

From 9.3.5 and above, if the Certificate is CA Issued Certificate, copy the generated user_keystore  and 

user_keystore_config  files to the <install-dir>\data  directory present on the Automation Engine machine.

If the certificate is self-signed, user_keystore  and user_keystore_config  files need to copied to Remote Agents and Client machines.

On each user's client machine, create a C:\Users\<user name>\AppWorx\<master name>  folder for each master in the

 file where <user name> is the actual user's name and <master name>  is the name of the master. Then place copies of the user_keystore  and user_keystore_config  files for each master in the sub-directory for that master.

This allows for different keystores to be used on each master.On each Remote Agent machine, the user_keystore  and user_keystore_config  files need to be copied to data directory of the Remote Agent installation directory.

 Installation instructions:

  1. Download the installation media to a directory outside of the installation home. For example: 

Install directory = /home/appworx/AMMaster

Install media directory = /home/appworx/media/ 

  1. From the install media directory, Unzip the installation media by running command: 


3. After unzip, the installation script is located at:


4. As the AM OS user, to start the installation script, cd to home install directory /home/appworx/AMMaster and simply run the installation from this directory by typing the following and hitting enter:


5. Follow the on screen prompts and provide the necessary information requested. Below is a KE you can reference to see a description of each prompt:

 6. Once you progress through the installation where you enter in the AM Oracle username password, you should select option 1 for install/upgrade.

7. This should be the bulk of the installation process and once this completes, the installation is complete minus the SSL certificate that you will need to generate (user_keystore) and the user_keystore_config. More information on this requirement at the link below:

8. For more information on opening the client please see the below links. The first link specifically talks about configuring and opening the client while the second link talks about where the user_keystore and user_keystore_config needs to be copied to to allow the client to successfully connect:

Opening the Applications Manager Client and Logging In

Additional Information

1) CVE-2021-44228 - log4j vulnerability and AppWorx / Automic Application Manager -

Additional Links: 

It is advisable to take a complete backup of the system including the database and test the upgrade on pre-production environment prior to production.

2) Related KB:

3) Advance OAE queuing was introduced in 9.2.0. If you are running an earlier 9.x OAE agent , you will need to perform the additional steps to upgrade the OAE agent documented here:


Did You know?

Broadcom support can help review your pre-upgrade plan! Please work with your accounts team  /open a support case vis with your plan.