Upgrade Plan Runbook Template - Best Practices for Clarity
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Upgrade Plan Runbook Template - Best Practices for Clarity


Article ID: 220185


Updated On: 04-19-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


As an On Premise customer, planning to upgrade Clarity. What are the best practices in order to have a successful upgrade?

Is there any sample upgrade plan - runbook or playbook that can be used? 


Release : Any


This can be used as generic baseline for your upgrade planning/runbook.

It's in Excel format template which allows you to add comments, additional steps that are for your environment only etc.

This includes:

  • Prerequisites
  • Clarity Upgrade
  • PMO Upgrade
  • Jaspersoft upgrade

Our recommendation, if you are planning an upgrade: would be to schedule a meeting with your Account manager and Clarity Support to go over the filled plan before you proceed with the upgrade.

Additional Information

Original post on the Communities here

Important Upgrade Information:

 Change and Impact Guide for the respective version


1626984798576__Clarity Upgrade Plan.xlsx get_app