Upgrade best practices (pre / post upgrade) for Clarity
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Upgrade best practices (pre / post upgrade) for Clarity


Article ID: 205150


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Best practices and troubleshooting tips for pre and post upgrade in Clarity 


Pre Upgrade

  1. If you are Clarity SaaS Customer review and subscribe to the Upgrade Schedule for Clarity SaaS
  2. Review and complete the applicable Pre Upgrade Steps
  3. Review the Change Impact and Upgrade guide to be aware of changes that may be required.
  4. Pause all Scheduled and Waiting jobs. Allow processing jobs to complete (especially checking for the Time Slicing job which runs frequently), then pause those scheduled instances as well.
  5. If you have any PMO Accelerator reports scheduled via Clarity Reports and Jobs, it's recommended to XOG these out as they may get cancelled as part of the upgrade. You can then XOG them back in post upgrade. 
  6. Complete in flight processes and put all processes on hold. 
  7. IMPORTANT: Review SaaS communications sent prior to upgrade for any changes to be aware of that may need to be done post upgrade. If these steps aren't completed, it can cause issues within the application post upgrade. 
  8. If you are an On Premise customer and upgrading from an older version: see Upgrade path: Best practices for old versions

Post Upgrade

  1. Jobs:
    • Resume all paused jobs 
    • If there any jobs that were in processing status at the time of the upgrade, please cancel the job, delete the instance and reschedule. 
    • Check for any scheduled jobs that may have gotten cancelled. If yes, reschedule these. This includes processes that use these jobs in action steps. 
    • Check for any jobs that were scheduled to run during the upgrade that may be required to be manually run in order to see reporting data if the scheduled time frame is past. Example: Job was scheduled for 12/14/20 at 3 am ET, and upgrade completed at 12/14/20 at 5am ET. The job would need to be manually run if needed for data.
    • Run the Load Data Warehouse (DWH) job in full mode. 
    • Run the "Restore Domains" job to update Jaspersoft Advanced Reporting domains with any custom attributes.
  2. Resume any processes put on hold
  3. Clear Your Browser Cache to avoid any general errors / issues
  4. Review and complete applicable post upgrade steps listed at: End Here: Common Steps After All New Installs and Upgrades
  5. Check to make sure the upgrade has fully completed prior to doing any testing. If a job is failing, you can't access the system, reports aren't showing data, etc. it may be because the system is not fully ready
  6. Update Client Applications - If using XOG, MSP, or OWB, make sure that these are upgraded to the latest version of Clarity (Make sure to test this first as part of your non production upgrade testing). Review the Client-Side Components under Hardware and Software Compatibility Specifications for each release. Example- Client-Side Components

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