The customer is trying to install iPXE on his GSS (Ghost Solution Suit) server. The following articles were followed:
185052 "iPXE support in Ghost Solution Suite 3.3"
As far as the customer can tell, the installation finished without errors. However, when he tries to load the default iPXE page:
the above page doesn't load.
When we looked at IIS Manager, the iPXE website was not created:
GSS 3.3 RUx
1. Review the following log files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\iGSSPXEServer_install_Success_{Date_Time).log
C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\iGSSPXEServer_install_fail_{Date_Time).log
C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\iPXEPXEServer_install_success_{Date_Time).log
C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\iPXEPXEServer_install_fail_{Date_Time).log
2. See under the most recent "iPXEPXEServer_install_success_{Date_Time).log" if you have entries like these ones:
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: CheckIfSiteExists: Web Site iPXE exists
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: AddAppPool: Application Pool named SBSAppPool already exists
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: the operation completed with error Error=0x80041003
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: Error Message: Access denied
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: Error: Failed to create endingProcesses
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: the operation completed with error Error=0x1A8
2:02:57 PM: iPXEAddVirDir script status: Error Message: Object required
If so, according to the iPXEPXEServerInstallSuccess log, there was a failure when checking the needed application pools. In this case the SBSAppPool.
Note: With a successful iPXE installation, you should see that the following 2 Application Pools were created:
3. The simplest way to address the error above is by adding the following entries to the C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config file:
A. Add SBSAppPool entry (in bold below)
<add name="DefaultAppPool" />
<add name=".NET v4.5 Classic" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Classic" />
<add name=".NET v4.5" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" />
<add name="Classic .NET AppPool" managedRuntimeVersion="v2.0" managedPipelineMode="Classic" />
<add name=".NET v2.0 Classic" managedRuntimeVersion="v2.0" managedPipelineMode="Classic" />
<add name=".NET v2.0" managedRuntimeVersion="v2.0" />
<add name="SMP Server AppPool" enable32BitAppOnWin64="false" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Integrated">
<processModel idleTimeout="00:20:00" />
<add name="Symantec Agent AppPool" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Integrated" />
<add name="Symantec Task Server AppPool" autoStart="true" enable32BitAppOnWin64="false" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Integrated" />
<add name="SBSAppPool" />
<applicationPoolDefaults managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" />
<processModel identityType="ApplicationPoolIdentity" />
B. Also add the actual iPXE site reference (in bold section below):
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation=":4726:" sslFlags="0" />
<limits connectionTimeout="00:15:00" />
<site name="iPXE" id="4433" />
<application path="/">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\PXE" />
<application path="/Altiris">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\PXE" />
<application path="/Altiris/iPXE" applicationPool="SBSAppPool">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\PXE\iPXE" />
<application path="/Altiris/Images" applicationPool="SBSAppPool">
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\PXES\Images" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:4433:" />
<logFile logFormat="W3C" directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles" />
<traceFailedRequestsLogging directory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles" />
C. From command as administrator run: IISRESET
D. Run From the DSSetup folder run: GSSServerIPXEAddon.msi then run PXEServeriPXEAddon.msi
E. From command as administrator run: IISRESET
F. Then as a test enter in the web browser: http://localhost:4433/Altiris/iPXE/GetPxeScript.aspx link returned a response and that the proper iPXE site has been created under IIS Manager > Sites ( may need to close IIS Manager then reopen to view proper iPXE virtual folder structure )