XCOM install and patch install restrictions under SELinux
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XCOM install and patch install restrictions under SELinux


Article ID: 211749


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


With SELinux enabled, trying to install XCOM for Linux or one of its patches may fail with one of the below:

  1. Either CA XCOM Data Transport r12.0 SP00 64bit not found or XCOM_HOME is not
    set correctly . You must have CA XCOM Data Transport r12.0 SP00 64bit
    installed and XCOM_HOME Environment Variable set to CA XCOM Data Transport
    installed directory to apply maintenance. Installer will now exit.

  2. JRE libraries are missing or not compatible....


XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC


When SELinux is in "Enforcing" mode it can impact use of the /tmp directory where the installer files are extracted to.


The following suggestions will help circumvent this issue and allow the installation of XCOM.

  1. To use a different temp directory for the installer, set the environment variable IATEMPDIR as below before running the installer program. For example, to use /app as a temp directory, use below. 
    export IATEMPDIR=/app
    Run the Installer program to check that the problem is resolved. 

  2. If the problem is not resolved, change the SELinux mode.
    Assuming command sestatus or getenforce shows the SELinux mode is Enforcing.
    Change the SELinux mode to Permissive before running the installer as follows:
    setenforce 0;sh XCOM.bin
    Then after the installation revert the mode to Enforcing as follows:
    setenforce 1
    Use command sestatus or getenforce to check the mode is set back to Enforcing.

  3. If the problem is still not resolved, try to change the SELinux to disabled in "/etc/selinux/config" and restart the system and run the installer. Once installed, restore the SELinux back to its original mode. 

Note: Please consult with the Linux System Administrator before taking any action.

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