This article covers how to diagnose and debug installer related problems for XCOM distributed platform UNIX/Linux and Windows.
If errors occur during an installation the installer logs can be accessed from here:
If pre-installer checks fail "/tmp/xcominstaller.log", otherwise "$XCOM_HOME/Uninstaller/Logs/xcominstaller.log"
Installer action sequence: $XCOM_HOME/Uninstaller/Logs/*Install*.log
Warnings, error messages, and exit codes: "%TEMP%\xcominstaller.log" or "%TEMP%\n\xcominstaller.log" (where is n is a numeric value, depending on the number of terminal services sessions of the same user)
Installer action sequence:
"%XCOM_HOME%\Uninstaller_R116SP0n\Logs\*Install*.log" (where n is the Service Pack number) for release 11.6
"%XCOM_HOME%\Uninstaller_R120SP0n\Logs\*Install*.log" (where n is the Service Pack number) for release 12.0
However sometimes additional debug information can be required to diagnose the root cause of errors that may be related to the JRE etc e.g.
"JRE libraries are missing or not compatible...." (or "JRE librarles are missing or not compatible" with typo)
The latest XCOM installers on both UNIX/Linux and Windows platforms use InstallAnywhere.
a. Set environment variable LAX_DEBUG=true before running XCOM.bin i.e.
export LAX_DEBUG=true
Additional trace output should then be displayed on the Linux session which can be copied and pasted into a file
b. Alternatively, start the installer and redirect standard out and error to a file e.g. file debug.out, as follows.
export LAX_DEBUG=true
./XCOM.bin > debug.out 2>&1
Hit Enter one more time to return control to the console.
Example initial output:
Preparing to install...
Checking for POSIX df.
Found POSIX df.
Checking tail options...
Using tail -n 1.
True location of the self extractor: /root/xcom_media/r11_6_sp01/XCOM.bin
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.137886
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.137886/InstallerData
Gathering free-space information...
Space needed to complete the self-extraction: 1099388 blocks
Available space: 1025011696 blocks
Available blocks: 1025011696 Needed blocks: 1099388 (block = 512 bytes)
Computed number of blocks to extract: 2181
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Extracting JRE from ./XCOM.bin to /tmp/install.dir.137886/Linux/resource/jre_padded ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Extracting JRE from /tmp/install.dir.137886/Linux/resource/jre_padded to /tmp/install.dir.137886/Linux/resource/vm.tar.Z ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Unpacking the JRE...
Unpacking the JRE...
gzip is /usr/bin/gzip
GZIP done.
TAR done.
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Extracting from ./XCOM.bin to /tmp/install.dir.137886/InstallerData/installer.padded ...
Extracting to padded done, exit code = 0
Extracting from padded to zip done, exit code = 0
Creating disk1 data directory: /tmp/install.dir.137886/InstallerData/Disk1
Creating instdata data directory: /tmp/install.dir.137886/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData
Extracting resources from ./XCOM.bin to /tmp/install.dir.137886/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData/ ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
========= Analyzing UNIX Environment =================================
Setting UNIX (linux) flavor specifics.
Importing UNIX environment into LAX properties.
Checking for POSIX awk.
========= Analyzing LAX ==============================================
LAX found............................ OK.
LAX properties read.................. OK.
========= Finding VM =================================================
Valid VM types.......................... 1.8+
Absolute LAX_VM path.................... /tmp/install.dir.137886/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java
Expanded Valid VM types................. 1.8+
Hold down the CTRL key immediately after launching the installer and keep it held down until an XCOM console window opens e.g.
Before exiting the installer, copy and paste the XCOM console window output to a file for review. NOTE: Using CTRL-A and then CTRL-C on the console window will copy all the content.