We have tried to install DXOI several times, but dxi-platform-init-pod always fail as below:
kubectl logs dxi-platform-init-pod -n <namespace>
Current Result:
[ RUNNING 1.reset.masteradmin.password.sh]
Waiting for adminui to be up...
Resetting password for masteradmin [Cohort : masteradmin]
Obtaining security token from ESS...
Failed to obtain authorization token... Exiting.
[ END 1.reset.masteradmin.password.sh ]
[ RUNNING 2.create.ga.account.sh]
Waiting for adminui to be up...
Creating Global Administrator: NOTIFY-FILTER-GA
Obtaining security token from ESS...
STATUS:............................................................ERROR! Failed to obtain authorization token... Exiting.
[ END 2.create.ga.account.sh ]
[ RUNNING 3.apm.onboard.sh]
Waiting for jarvis-apis to be up...
template ao_apm_tt_analyzer loaded into ES.
Doc type - apm_tt loaded.
Doc type - apm_itoa_alarms_apm_1 already exists, not loaded.
Doc type - itoa_inventory_apm loaded.
[ END 3.apm.onboard.sh ]
[ *** RESULTS *** ]
3.apm.onboard.sh -> OK
1.reset.masteradmin.password.sh -> FAILED
2.create.ga.account.sh -> FAILED
Expected Result:
[ RUNNING 1.reset.masteradmin.password.sh]
INFO: Waiting for dxi-adminui to be up: .
INFO: Resetting password for masteradmin [Cohort : masteradmin]
INFO: Obtaining security token from ESS:
INFO: Token acquired
INFO: The password for masteradmin has been reset successfully.
[ END 1.reset.masteradmin.password.sh ]
[ RUNNING 2.create.ga.account.sh]
INFO: Waiting for dxi-adminui to be up: .
INFO: Creating Notify Filter Global Administrator: NOTIFY-FILTER-GA
INFO: Obtaining security token from ESS:
INFO: Token acquired
INFO: Notify Filter Global Admin user successfully created.
[ END 2.create.ga.account.sh ]
[ RUNNING 3.apm.onboard.sh]
INFO: Waiting for jarvis-apis to be up:
INFO: template ao_apm_tt_analyzer loaded into ES.
INFO: Doc type - apm_tt loaded.
INFO: Doc type - apm_itoa_alarms_apm_1 already exists, not loaded.
INFO: Doc type - itoa_inventory_apm loaded.
[ END 3.apm.onboard.sh ]
[ *** RESULTS *** ]
3.apm.onboard.sh -> OK
1.reset.masteradmin.password.sh -> OK
2.create.ga.account.sh -> OK
DX Operational Intelligence 21.x
DX Application Performance Management 21.x
DX AXA 21.x
Root case:
Defect # DE518018. dxi admin pod is waiting for dxi readserver to be up which takes less time to be up, but its makes few calls to DXI Read server and DXI Read server took longer than expected time to be up.
The dxi-platform-init-pod failed to reset the master admin password and failed to create GA account because of slowness.
As a solution, we are increased some waiting time and that time will be enough for the pod to be up, these code changes will be available in next dx platform onpremise release.
Fix will be available in the next dx-platform onpremise release, attached a copy of the updated files
1) Uninstall the existing dx-platform installation
2) Backup existing <DX-Platorm-HOME>/post_install folder
3) Copy attached post_install.zip to <DX-Platform-HOME>
4) cd <DX-Platform-HOME> ; unzip post_install.zip
5) Rerun the DX Platform installer again
DX AIOPs - Troubleshooting, Common Issues and Best Practices