MSP Manually Scheduled Tasks / Milestones
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MSP Manually Scheduled Tasks / Milestones


Article ID: 210357


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You ran into an issue saving a project back which got fixed by changing all tasks to auto scheduled mode in Microsoft Project (MSP). Earlier, some tasks were manually scheduled while others were auto scheduled. You would like to manually schedule milestones, while the rest of the tasks can be auto scheduled. Does the MSP connector / Interface allow this?


Release : All Supported



The MSP Connector allows manually scheduled tasks, it’s just required on initial creation of tasks in MSP that they are set to auto scheduled. 

  • One reason this is required is due to a save issue users will see with manually scheduled tasks. Per MSP Design, manually scheduled tasks do not automatically populate a Start/Finish date in MSP which will then not allow the project to save back to Clarity (since Clarity requires Start and Finish dates on tasks and the Start date must be before the Finish Date).

After initial task creation, the task / milestone can be changed to Manually Scheduled. To do this:

  1. Click on the Auto Scheduled icon in the Task Mode column for the task in MSP
  2. Click on the drop down arrow that then appears
  3. Select Manually Scheduled from the drop down list

See Auto Scheduled versus Manually Scheduled tasks in MSP for things to be aware regarding manually scheduled tasks.