Running Common Services(CCS) 14.1 and moving to Common Services 15.0.
The SCRT report is required for reporting usage.
Release: 14.1 & 15.0
SCRT ISV Reports
SO15860 is the PTF for Common Services 14.1, that delivers the current sample JCL
SO15571 is the latest PTF for 14.1 and it has a PRE for SO15860 and all others
LU02177 is the PTF for Common Services 15.0, that delivers the current sample JCL
LU07226 is the general UPGRAD solution which only lists the maintenance needed for accurate SCRT reports for both r14.1 and r15.0
NOTE: Do not attempt to apply this fix. It is simply informational and lists the needed maintenance for the two releases of CCS.
Please see KB Article #200133 for more information related to SCRT