Idea convert to project in Classic not setting Blueprint correctly
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Idea convert to project in Classic not setting Blueprint correctly


Article ID: 208434


Updated On: 10-10-2023


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When converting an idea to a project in Classic Clarity, the project’s Blueprint is populated as the Idea Blueprint instead of the project Blueprint


  1. Add the Blueprint attribute to the Create and Layout Views for a project
    • Go to Administration->Studio->Object->Project->Views
    • Next to Project Properties, click Layout: Create
    • Click the properties icon next to General
    • Move Blueprint from Available to Selected and click Save and Return
    • Click Return to navigate back to Views
    • Next to Project Properties, click Layout: Edit
    • Click the + icon next to Project Summary
    • Click the properties icon next to the second Project Summary line
    • Move Blueprint from Available to Selected and click Save and Return
  2. Create a new project and set it as a template
  3. Create an Idea in Classic Clarity
  4. Submit the Idea for approval
  5. Approve the Idea
  6. Add the Blueprint field to the Idea list view
  7. Assign a blueprint to the Idea created in step 3 and click Save
  8. Click on the Idea
  9. Click Convert
  10. Under Investment Type select Project from Template and click Next
  11. Select the template created in step 3 and click Next
  12. View the Blueprint value on the Create Project page

Expected Results:  Project Blueprint is displayed. 

Actual Results: Blueprint assigned to the Idea is displayed. If you click save, the Blueprint value changes to blank. From the Project list view, if you add the Blueprint field there, the Blueprint displays as the idea’s Blueprint  

Additionally: If you try to click on the project from the New UX Project Titles, it will not open. Visuals are also missing for the project including Effort spent. 


Release : 16.0.3



Reported as DE68212


DE68212 is being fixed in 16.1.2



  1. Manually change the Blueprint after project creation. 


     2. Convert the idea to a project in the New UX as the issue does not happen there. 

Additional Information

Note that there was a similar bug: DE59745 reported for 15.9.2 which has been resolved.

DE59745 Fixed in 15.9.2 and 15.9.1 patch 1.

See also Idea converted to a Project in Modern UX, Blueprint field is retained from Idea