Idea converted to a Project in Modern UX, Blueprint field is retained from Idea
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Idea converted to a Project in Modern UX, Blueprint field is retained from Idea


Article ID: 138854


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Blueprint Does Not Change or is Missing Upon Idea Conversion to Project in the New / Modern UX.

On idea conversion: the Idea Blueprint value is copied into the Project, which isn't relevant and thus doesn't show the correct information in the new project in the Modern/New User Experience (UX/UI).

From Project tiles: It also does not allow you to click into the project from the project tiles and the visuals (such as effort spent) do not display  


1. Create an Idea

2. Associate the Idea to a Idea Blueprint

3. Submit / Approve the idea

4. Convert Idea as a Project  or
 Repeat steps as above but convert using a project template where a Project Blueprint ID is associated.

Expected Results: Idea Converts but the blueprint field is blank as the Idea Blueprint ID is invalid for Projects

                               (If project template is used, Project Blueprint (from template) is populated.)

Actual Results:  Idea Converts and the project contains the Idea Blueprint ID.

  • The Blueprint value is not visible from the project properties page as it is invalid lookup value for projects.
  • If you go to Project tiles: It also does not allow you to click into the project from the project tiles and the visuals (such as effort spent) do not display  


Release : 15.7.

The issue reappeared in 16.1.1 but is no longer reproducible in 16.1.2 on.



Caused by DE51432


This issue is fixed in 15.7.1 and again in 16.1.2

  1. Update the Blueprint IDs manually. 
  2. A custom process could be created during the conversion process to update the Blueprint value in the new project.

Additional Information

For a similar issue in Classic Clarity, see: Idea Convert to Project in Classic not setting Blueprint Correctly