Install or Upgrade to SEP 14.3 RU1 failed on Windows 2008 R2.
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Install or Upgrade to SEP 14.3 RU1 failed on Windows 2008 R2.


Article ID: 206709


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


When customer tried to install or upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU1 on Windows 2008 R2, it fails with following error.
Installation is stopped. 

On Manager side:
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager requires Powershell 3.0. Please install the required Powershell version and then run again this installer.

On Client side:
Symantec Endpoint Protection can only be installed on system with SHA-2 code signing support update(KB4474419).


Powershell 3.0 is required to install process for SEPM 14.3 RU1 or later supported SEPM version.

Also, KB4474419(SHA-2 code signing support update for Windows Server 2008 R2) is required to install process for SEPC 14.3 RU1.

Please install above update on Windows before install SEP 14.3 RU1.

Additional Information

Related Article: Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 Windows client may fail to install unless SHA-2 support is installed (