New UX allows locked project to be opened read-write in MSP/OWB
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New UX allows locked project to be opened read-write in MSP/OWB


Article ID: 205074


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


It is possible to open a project in Microsoft Project (MSP) (read and write) mode if this project is opened by another user in MSP (read and write) mode in the Modern User Experience (UX). Then, the information in MSP is wrong.

Issues seen include:

When the project is opened in MSP, the user is not able to see that the project is locked in the New UX. Users are also able to open locked projects using Open Workbench (OWB) in read/write mode.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a project with at least one task dependency
  2. Login as User1 and export the project to MSP/OWB (in Read-Write mode)
  3. Notice how Classic UI shows the project as 'Locked by: User1'
  4. Have another user login as User2 and go to this project in the New UX
  5. Go to the Task List module and attempt to export the project to Microsoft Project or Open Workbench

Expected Results: The option to open the project in 'Microsoft Project Read-Write'(or OWB) is not available since the project is locked.

Actual Results: The option to open the project in 'Microsoft Project Read-Write' (or OWB) is available and selecting it open the project in MSP/OWB. Once the project opens, it is noted that the predecessor and successor columns are blank. If User1 releases the lock on the project and User2 does not notice that the dependencies are not included in the file and is able to save the project back to Clarity, the task dependencies are deleted from Clarity as well. Note that if the project was opened by User2 as Read Only, the task predecessors and successors do appear on the project mpp.


15.8, 15.8.1, 15.9, 15.9.1, 15.9.2

Clarity Microsoft Project (MSP) Integration


Caused by DE59052


  • Microsoft Project (MSP) Integration
  • Open Workbench (OWB)

Modern User Experience (UX)


Fixed in 15.9.3 as DE59052

The avoid this issue until you are able to upgrade, ensure the project is not locked before opening a project from the Modern UX. (This can be done in versions prior to 15.9.3 by checking the lock status of the project in Classic Clarity)


To restore any lost dependencies (if a recent copy of the project exists in a non production environment):

  1. In Non Production, open the project into MSP
  2. Copy (or Manually add) the dependencies from non production into the production project

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