Symantec VIP Services return HTTP 400 error.
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Symantec VIP Services return HTTP 400 error.


Article ID: 204516


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VIP Service


HTTP 400 error encountered during Symantec VIP Cloud transactions.


VIP Service


This issue typically happens during 2-Way TLS communication when the VIP Auth certificate sent by the client is expired, revoked, or invalid. During the TLS communication, both client and server exchange their public certificates to accomplish the handshake. The client validates the server certificate and the server validates the client certificate. During the TLS handshake, if the VIP client Auth certificate is not valid, the VIP server will send a 400 - Bad request "SSL certificate error".

To verify if a certificate has recently expired, log into VIP Manager, select the Account tab, then click Manager VIP Certificates

VIP Certificate expiration notices are sent to the Technical Contact email on the ACCOUNT tab. Click here to update this information. 


Follow these steps from the VIP Manager HELP to request and download the VIP certificate. 

(Note: Is using a proxy, VIP traffic should be made persistent)