How to print CA Deliver reports to a dataset using the new CA View PRTDSN feature.
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How to print CA Deliver reports to a dataset using the new CA View PRTDSN feature.


Article ID: 203595


Updated On:


Deliver View


When you are viewing a report in CA View and try to print the report, if it came from CA Deliver, you are presented with the CA Deliver Reprint Attributes panel.  This panel does not have the print to dataset (PRTDSN) option.  Is it possible to print a CA Deliver report to a dataset using the PRTDSN feature?




Release: 14.0

Component: CA View




  • Tab to the report in the Report Selection panel and select using the  'P' command, or select the report and enter a 'P' on the command line.
  • After the CA Deliver reprint panel is displayed,  go to the command line and type 'SAR'.
  • That will take you to the CA View reprint panel, which does have the print to a dataset option.



The report will have CA View banners and no Distribution information in the DSN.

You can suppress the CA View banner by specifying BANNER ===> *

For specific information on how to use the PRTDSN feature, here is a link to the section in the CA View 14.0 documentation.




Additional Information

For information on how to implement the new PRTDSN feature, see Article id:199487 -Titled: CA View How to enable the function PRTDSN.