z/OSMF Download and Usage
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z/OSMF Download and Usage


Article ID: 203340


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Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager) CHORUS SOFTWARE MANAGER COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS


Trying to download z/OSMF from Broadcom Support as a replacement to CA Chorus Software Manager (CSM), also known as CA Mainframe Software Manager (MSM).
According to CA/Broadcom help desk technician, I have to go to IBM.
According to Broadcom's techdoc, Migrate SMP/E Environments into z/OSMF, I can order the z/OSMF package.
Can you please point me to a link where I can do this?


Release : 6.1

Component : Chorus Software Manager


z/OSMF itself is IBM owned, supported, and shipped as part of z/OS. The knowledge article referenced (#197545) is only providing information relating to a migration tool.

This migration tool can be used to migrate an SMP/e environment that is currently being managed by CA CSM, under z/OSMF management.

IBM z/OSMF has system management functions that will take the place of what CA CSM has been providing. This has been presented in a few z/OSMF related presentations that have taken place over the past months and are posted on our Communities site. The following is a recent webcast that has been posted.

- Make Your Transition to Software Maintenance in z/OSMF Simple

The following documentation is recommended reading. This documentation gets updated periodically as new information is available.

- z/OSMF Requirements

- Mainframe Products using z/OSMF