Migrate SMP/E Environments into z/OSMF
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Migrate SMP/E Environments into z/OSMF


Article ID: 197545


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CHORUS SOFTWARE MANAGER Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager)


This article explains how to use a Migration Tool to register your existing CSIs as new software instances in z/OSMF. 


As a systems programmer, you want to manage product maintenance in z/OSMF. You can use the migration tool to retrieve information from CA CSM and to register CSIs as new software instances in z/OSMF. After the migration process completes, you can maintain your software instances, using the z/OSMF Software Update function. The migration tool package consists of the following components: 

    Retrieves a list of SMP/E environments and CSI data set and stores the information in the MIGROUT output data set.
    Reads the output from CSMRPSQL and calls z/OSMF REST APIs to register software instances into z/OSMF. After the software instance registration, the script loads the products, features, and FMIDs for a software instance and verifies that the load step completes successfully.
    Contains a procedure that is called from the CSM2ZOSM REXX. This procedure gathers the information about all target zones within the SMP/E environment. It should not be executed individually. 

z/OSMF Software Management REST APIs register software instances in z/OSMF. For more information, see z/OSMF Software Management REST API Services.

The access to software instances or registration may be controlled by SAF authorization. For more information, see Creating Access Controls for the Software Management Task

Migrate Your CA CSM SMP/E Environments

Note: The procedure in this section is relevant for CA CSM users only. If you are not a CA CSM user, please see the next section.

Download the migration tool package before you can run the migration procedure. Find the zipped file at the bottom of this page.

This procedure explains how to run the scripts to “migrate” (register) software instances.

Note: The CSM2ZOSM and LISTTGZ REXX scripts must be located in the same data set.

Follow these steps:

  1. Customize CSMRPSQL to retrieve the CSIs that are deployed with CA CSM and copy them into the output data set. The script retrieves all information about the CSIs and SMP/E environment name. 
  2. Submit CSMRPSQL.
  3. Customize CSM2ZOSM to register the software instances into z/OSMF. Add the connection details of your z/OSMF instance, and provide the output data set name from CSMRPSQL. The REXX script registers only the CSIs to which a user has access.
  4. Execute CSM2ZOSM.

You successfully migrated CSIs from CA CSM to z/OSMF.

For Non-CSM Users

Download the migration tool package before you can run the migration procedure. Find the zipped file at the bottom of this page.

This procedure explains how to run the scripts to “migrate” (register) software instances for non-CSM users.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a sequential data set that contains the list of `key|value` pairs, where: `key` is the future instance name and `value` is the CSI data set. The following is an example of the `key|value` pairs:
    • Instance 1 |PRODUCT1.CSI | 
    • Instance 2 |PRODUCT2.CSI |
  2. Customize CSM2ZOSM to register your software instances into z/OSMF. Add the connection details of your z/OSMF instance, and provide the name of the sequential data set you created earlier. The REXX script registers only the CSIs to which a user has access.
  3. Execute CSM2ZOSM.

Verify Your new Software Instances in z/OSMF

Log in to z/OSMF, select Software Management, and select Software Instances. You can now see the migrated and registered software instances in z/OSMF.

You can now maintain the software instances, using the z/OSMF Software Update function.


MigrationTool_01-17-2024.zip get_app