-"oc get pods" returns many pods in Evicted status
-Unable to access to openshift console, "This page isn't working"
The root cause is a capacity issue, openshift-web-console pod cannot be created so access to openshift is not possible.
Here is a summary of the steps taken to identify the root cause:
oc login -u system:admin
oc project openshift-web-console
oc get pods
oc describe pod <webconsole-.. podname>
1. Login as admin
oc login -u system:admin
2.Temporally allow pods creation in Master - as scheduling of pods is disabled
oc get nodes
oc adm manage-node <master-name> --schedulable=true
3. Wait for a couple of minutes, then check the pod is in running state
oc project "openshift-web-console"
oc get pods
4. In parallel, switch to "default" project and verify that "router" pod is running:
oc project default
oc get pods
5. Once router and web-console pods are running, disable schedulable
oc adm manage-node <master> --schedulable=false
6. Verify access to openshift console